Tuesday, April 9, 2013


This is for my folks who want to get their nutrition the RIGHT way; who workout, hit the gym, health conscious, and don't know what to eat/drink during the transition period from poor health to good health... Or just don't know what to eat/drink to gain muscle, boost energy, gain weight, which foods contain the highest source of nutrition, etc.

This is also for my folks who LOVE to diss vegan & vegetarian food choices, and where they get their proteins and other nutrition from!

Let me introduce you to... spirulina!

Since this is "The FAST Life" blog, do the research on spirulina yourself and in the meantime, put the recipe to work and trust me when I tell you that spirulina contains: protein, iron, potassium, copper, calcium, Vitamins A B C D & E, chlorophyll, manganese, magnesium, selenium, chromium, zinc, phosphorus, sodium and beta-carotene!

Organic Kale, 1 cup, fresh cut
Organic Pineapple, quarter, peeled
Organic Spirulina (Powder), teaspoon
Coconut Oil, tablespoon
Organic Cayenne Pepper, teaspoon
Spring Water, 1 cup, or ice cubes

Organic Raw Blue Agave Nectar, 1-2 tablespoon
Strawberries, 8
Ground Cinnamon, half teaspoon

So next time you're at a GNC, tell the associates to, "kiss your a$%!" because they are selling lies, and potential health problems!

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